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The stock has an average price target of $235, for a 45% upside potential from the current share price of $161.94.

2019-03-27 www.lagercrantz.com List: Mid Cap Market Cap: 17 133,2 SEKm Ticker: LAGR Next Event: Q4 report 11 May 2021 Share Price (yesterday) Last paid: 84,10 Change: 1,70% What is the Lagercrantz Group AB (publ) stock price / share price today? The Lagercrantz Group AB (publ) stock price is 78.300 SEK today. Will Lagercrantz Group AB (publ) stock price grow / rise / go up? Lagercrantz Group AB chart This market's chart.

Lagercrantz share price

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Sale of shares & other securities. Driving passengers in your private car for payment . Bergman&Beving-Lagercrantz. Utdelning. RSV M 2001:16. RSV 2001:24

Last paid: 72,30 8 Feb 2021 / Press release; Lagercrantz Group: Lagercrantz acquires Vihab 8 Feb 2021  The call options are transferred at a price of SEK 11.50 per call option, equivalent to the market value according to a valuation performed by Nordea Bank AB  Mekonomen AB. kr 132.80-1.19%. Lagercrantz Group AB. kr 84.05+1.69%. Byggmax Group AB. kr 80.00+2.56%.

Stock analysis for Lagercrantz Group AB (LAGRB:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

Lagercrantz share price

Lagercrantz Group Ab (0RB7) share price, charts, trades & the UK's most popular discussion forums. Free forex prices, toplists, indices and lots more. 30/01/2021 05:21:48 Cookie Policy +44 (0) 203 8794 460 Free Membership Login The exercise price amounts to SEK 154.40 (which is equivalent to 120 percent of the average market price during the measuring period 2 September - 13 September 2019). The exercise period is at three occasions up until 18 November 2022, inclusive.

No results found. View more search results. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OM:LAGR B. Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)'s (STO:LAGR B) Business Is Trailing The Market But Its Shares Aren't. By. Simply Wall St. Published. July 22, 2020.
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Lagercrantz Group är en teknikkoncern som erbjuder värdeskapande teknik, antingen med egna produkter eller med produkter från ledande leverantörer. Inom koncernen finns ett knappt 50-tal bolag, vart och ett orienterat mot en specifik delmarknad, en nisch.

Lagercrantz Gro Live Share Prices and Trades. 0RB7 Live Streaming Share Prices The exercise price amounts to SEK 234.50 (which is equivalent to 125 percent of the average market price during the measuring period 30 August - 11 September 2020). The exercise period is at two occasions up until 30 May 2024, inclusive.